Tails from the whelping box: week two
Eyes Wide Slightly Open 👀
As we step into the second week of our puppies’ lives, our tiny adventurers are beginning to embrace a bigger world—eyes opening and all! This week, our furry puptatoes are equal parts dreamy naps and determined exploration, and there’s never a dull moment.
Getting Warmer

Our puppies are gaining a bit more control over their own body temperature this week, but still rely heavily on us to keep their space draft-free. We use soft, warm fleece bedding as well as heating pads and panels, and carefully monitor the room temperature to ensure their comfort and prevent any risk of chilling.
Feast, Sleep, Repeat

Most of the day (and night), our pups are either nursing energetically or catching some Z’s. They might latch onto Zola twenty times a day, occasionally dozing off mid-meal only to keep eating when they wake up.

Whereas in week one, Zola fed her babies lying down, in week two, she sometimes sits up or even stands—an instinctive behavior that challenges the puppies to build their strength so they can reach the milk bar. It won’t be long before the pups are strong and coordinated enough to run around!
The Dance of Dreams
When they’re not eating, our puppies are deep in slumber. Active sleep is still very much the norm. Each twitch and paddle is a sign of healthy development, and it’s these quiet moments that remind us of the miraculous growth happening before our eyes.
Upward Mobility

This week marks a significant leap in mobility. Our puppies are dragging themselves around with their front legs, sometimes managing to hoist themselves up a bit, taking wobbly, uncertain steps. They’re navigating the terrain of their whelping box, clambering over siblings, mom, and any soft, safe toy we’ve introduced to make their environment more stimulating.
The World Through New Eyes

One very big, very exciting highlight this week is… drumroll, please… the puppies’ eyes begin to unseal! Although we can’t wait to discover the puppies’ eye color, there will be plenty of time for that in a few days. For now, we keep the lighting subdued to mimic a natural den, so we don’t shock their senses as their sight comes online. The puppies still can’t hear yet, but their sense of smell is sharp, guiding them to mom from across their whelping box.
Early Scent Introduction and Neurological Stimulation
We continue with Early Scent Introduction, presenting a new scent daily to surprise and delight the olfactory section of their brains—think aromatic leaves or spices, a friendly pet of another species, or even something out of the laundry. Imagine the excitement when the puppies smell a dirty sock for the first time!
Alongside ESI, Early Neurological Stimulation exercises continue to boost the puppies’ stress tolerance and physical capabilities.
In this second week, we start to spice up their space with a variety of textures and soft toys. From plush toys to rubber objects, each new texture and challenge helps prepare them for a world full of diverse experiences.
(Already) Time to Upgrade Photo Storage
As their eyes squint open and they begin to tentatively interact with their world, we’re there to capture every precious blink and awkward stumble. These moments are fleeting, and we cherish them! This is also about the time when our photo storage starts to burst at the seams.
Don’t miss out on these precious early days—follow us on social media for daily updates and adorable snapshots of every milestone! And stay tuned for next week’s adventures, as our puptatoes start to become real puppies. The journey of life is just beginning.